Piercing 3D models | Spark AR & Instagram Filter (4 types, gold and silver)
- Finished project in *arexport (created in Spark AR'129)
the project has in itself 4 types of 3D models in the format *obj
Objects are fixed using patches. You can change the location of objects by changing the coordinate values in the Add patch.
You can change the size of the elements by "scale"
Готовый проект для Spark AR, можно загрузить прямо сейчас, либо дополнить своими материалами. Для личного и коммерческого использования, но запрещено перепродавать без изменения другим разработчикам.
Готовый проект содержит 4 вида пирсинга (3d в формате *obj) из 2-х типов металла (золото, серебро) и кристаллов.
Для более надежной фиксации объекты закреплены с помощью патчей. Изменить расположение объектов можно, изменив значения координат в патче Add.
Test: https://www.instagram.com/ar/758774741385679
My other project:
https://gum.co/HtvWJ Bokeh effect (blurred background/retouch/color reflections)
https://gum.co/zyARl Rainbow color glitter
https://gum.co/lOLmR 5 types of freckles
https://gum.co/YZTqc Golden freckles (full version - 15 types of freckles)
https://gum.co/VtZYL Eyelashes (3D, fantasy, big)
https://gumroad.com/l/KTbgy arachnophobia (finished project for Spark AR)
https://gum.co/aVbvn AR-Earrings 2D (finished project for Spark AR)
https://gum.co/dJhUw Space angel (finished project for Spark AR)
https://gum.co/LEcJXJ Angel (finished project for Spark AR)
https://gum.co/SjeQi 3D objects from the angel project +finished project for Spark AR
https://gumroad.com/l/rHGSJ filter with color change (finished project for Spark AR)
https://gumroad.com/l/zlWVK glitter (finished project for Spark AR)
https://gumroad.com/l/sKPCv 2 blue filter + finished project for Spark AR
https://gum.co/HmDiE 3D model glasses and pack with different textures + finished project for Spark AR
If you have any questions, please send me a message to direct or taplink on my Instagram: @travel_iuliia
icq: @559263766
talegram: @J_u_l_i_a_D